Monday, March 28, 2011

Take this world and give me Jesus.

It was quite spontaneous.  Feeling sick, after a long day, unable to breathe through my nose with the world spinning in my head, I somehow felt compelled to go to the concert that I had decided not to go to (based upon me feeling no bueno).  So, I picked up and went.  The drive was probably about five minutes.  I wore a shirt that needed to be washed.  Jeans all the same.  And I entered and paid a little extra for the "gold seats" in the front.  Luckily, there was a nice aisle seat waiting for me in the 3rd row on the left side.  So I set my stuff down and enjoyed the last few minutes of Anthem Lights.


Not knowing really what to expect, a wonderful band from Australia got on stage next by the name of Revive.  The lead singer of Building 429 introduced them and said he had personally invited them to tour with Building 429.  I soon found out why!  The band took stage and the magical feeling of a concert that is quite rare ensued.  Before I knew it, I was swaying my arm in the sky, wondering how such a beautiful band could just be an opener!  Regardless, I thought to myself about how this might be a sign that I should move to Australia (something I've been seriously thinking about for the past while).
Anyhow, this is them:

 And me with them (after the concert):
They were sooo nice!!!
And these are the goodies I got:
I love that the lead singer wrote "Jon!" (If you know me at all, you know my overuse of "!")  He was so nice-- I was just going to get the poster signed, but he actually took the time and opened my CD for me and signed it also!  Another band member gave me knuckles, and another gave me a handshake.  :) I totally want to follow this band around...

And then Building 429 came on and they were soooooo amazing too!!!
They played this new song that goes:

♫ All I know is I'm not home yet ♪ This is not where I belong
Take this world and give me Jesus ♪ This is not where I belong ♫
You can't listen to it until May 10 (new album release) but I found this clip on youtube from another concert:

It became one of those times when my hands reached for heaven without my will.  (Also, it was cool because they also sang that "I am free to run, I am free to dance" song which was the song to which I had my first unwilled hands in the air experience at Lakewood)
These words mean the world to me, and like so many other important learnings in my life, came into my life through music.

I've been learning a lot about myself, about life, and about Jesus lately.
I'll keep this short, but for some reasons I wrote out a list of "things I know I like," "things I think I like," and "things I want to like."  Obviously (to me) the most important list was "things I know I like," and sadly, the list was very, very short.  It was a little saddening.  But I love how this song put it:
All I know is I'm not home yet.  This is not where I belong.
This is truly all I know.  The only truth I'm sure of is Jesus Christ.  And that is actually more than enough for me.
There were some other songs like "one foot" which actually related quite well and reminded me to take life one step at a time---it's okay if I don't know everything right now.  Anyhow, this is them (during their blue grass song where one guy played the banjo!! They sang amazing grace blue grass style-- rad, huh?):

They also spent a good while talking about sponsoring a child in another country, but he did it so gracefully that I wasn't even expecting it!  It breaks my heart to think of other people without food, water, shelter, family, or medical supplies.  It really does.  I want to be the hands of God reaching out into this world. (makes me think of Casting Crown's "If We Are The Body")

Also, one other major thing I realized tonight is how music is the thing in this world that makes me the happiest.  I love music.  I love love love music. I loooooooveee music.  On that list I mentioned earlier about things I know like, music was definitely on it!  Subsequently, I love concerts!  Love love love concerts!  I truly want to move somewhere where all artists go so I can see more concerts (cough CA or NY or any other big city cough).

There were some other very glorious parts of the night such as Revive's songs "Blink" and "Love Found Me."  Additionally, I came to some other more personal and very strong realizations/convictions throughout the night and realized again how beautiful a sinless life (or life with less sin) with Jesus is.

What a beautiful night with Jesus. :)